
「沒聽過不要說你活過音樂人系列」-Jason Mraz!

A-Z詩人: Jason Mraz 


話說中三我很無聊地在yahoo知識搜索打入「好聽的英文歌」,然後發現原來這個問題已經有人問過,答案還蠻多的。原來好多人也像我一樣無聊。就是這樣無聊的緣故我認識了Jason Mraz,第一首聽他的是到現在還是最愛的「Plane」。


那時候是2006-7年,他還沒有出《We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things》;唱到街知巷聞(爛)的I'm Yours(這首歌真是很煩lol)還沒有出世。Mr A-Z是驚世碟的前一隻。(我稱讓每位歌手成名的大碟為驚世碟-世界認識他了!震驚這個人的存在啊!而不知怎的,通常由這碟開始這個歌手的歌曲會因變得沒有以前的好聽)其實他在美國和台灣一早已經很出名了。

《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》

'驚世'碟《We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.》

在海邊唱歌,出acoustic碟,做gigshow,然後做一下幕後音樂,又去一下海邊滑滑浪,然後就成名了。(Just kidding哪有這麼簡單^^)其實是他出了那個《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》之後開始受到關注,Mr A-Z這張碟在美國非常成功,然後《We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things》在國際(蓬!)一聲,讓他稱為香港及其他亞洲國家其中一個most sought after的美國歌手。

Life Is Wonderful


他的歌曲一向以芭樂聞名,商業得很容易入耳。結他彈得好不在話下,最靈魂的是他的歌詞。好像Ed Sheeran那樣,聽Jason Mraz不可能不聽歌詞,因為他的詞很細膩溫柔,超級有趣,還包含很多大智慧喔。如果你真的細味品嘗(我是個絕對的歌,詞,控!)他的詞呢, 就是你輕鬆聽歌都可以學到很多人生道理。這是我最喜歡他的歌的原因。關於愛情、人生、哲學、人與人之間、你想得出來的他都有寫進去,還是寫的很好。他的歌詞就像一個個故事,非常Picturesque。

我覺得呢,歌詞完全反映一個artist的腦袋在搞什麼。文字是其中一個溝通的渠道,它很神奇,你想什麼,感覺到什麼,用文字不一定能準確描述,但一旦你有技巧地運用文字這傢伙呢,它必定是一個最有效的溝通方式。歌曲就是把音樂這個抽象的東東跟精準美麗的文字融合,出來的成果之影響力可是不可低估的高呢,就像是一杯調配的剛剛好的鴛鴦,用the best of both worlds去打動你。對不起我的能力有限,不能精準的用我的文字把感覺形容出來。所以在這awkward moment,我唯有用音樂來告訴你啦。

《Mr A-Z(2005)》((他的姓氏真的挺妙))是我最熟悉的一隻。

It takes no time to fall in loveBut it takes you years to know what love is (WOW)


It takes a crane to bulid a craneIt takes two floors to make a storeyIt takes an egg to make a henIt takes a hen to make an eggThere's no end to what I'm saying                                                                                                           

It takes a thought to make a word 
And it takes some words to make an action

And it takes some work to make it work

It takes some good to make it hurt

It takes some bad for satisfaction



In this generationThe sophomore slump is an uphill battle 
And someone said that ain't my scene 
'Cause they need a new song 
Like a new religion 
Music for the television 
I can't do the long division 
Someone do the math  
For the record label puts me on the shelf up in the freezer 
Got to find another way to live the life of leisure


'La la la la la Listen closer to the verse I layA la la la la It's all about the wordplay

I built a bridge across the stream my consciousnessIt always seems to be a flowin' 
But I don't know which way my brain is goin' (才華...才華...) 
Oh the ryhmin' and the timin'Keeps the melodies inside me 
And they're comin'Till I'm running out of air 
Are you prepared to take a dive into the deep end of my head 
Are you listening to a single word I've said


The Remedy

遇到難題或是憂鬱的時候,聽聽這個吧!受到患癌症的朋友所啟示,他寫了這首歌。Well if you got the poison, I got the remedy!

The remedy is the experience 
This is the dangerous liaison  
The comedy is that it's serious 
This is a strange enough new play on words  
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend 
The rest of your nights with the light on 
So shine the light on all of your friends 
Well it all amounts to nothing in the end (最終我們都會變成塵土) 


Mr. Curiosity


I'm looking for love this time 
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 
Cause love is a mystery 
Mr. Curiosity 
Hey Mr. Please, do come and find me


Love is blinding when the timing's never right 
oh who am I to beg for difference 
Finding love in just an instant 
Well I don't mind 
At least I've tried... I've tried.


這首不得了啦。那種seducing又很subtle的調調... 小提琴在背後跟他的情緒拉扯。

If the plane goes down, down 
I'll remember where the love was found


Pleae Don't Tell Her

第二最愛。Jason Mraz 在韓國唱KBS Live時說:[This is a love song that requires a lot of love to sing it.」God knows那時候我用了不知多少力氣才明白這首歌的意思。這首歌正正是一個可愛的Wordplay例子,像很久再明白Jason Mraz究竟想說什麼。這也是聽Jason Mraz的有趣之處,你可以讀十萬遍歌詞,慢慢研究。(我是真的會細心研究歌詞的絕對,絕對歌詞控。)

And it's amazing how she's so self-assuredBut I know she'd hate me if she knew my wordsDo I hurt anymoreDo I hurt, wellI don'tI don'tI don't 



Nobody Likes Me + You and I Both (From 《Waiting for my Rocket to come》)


Until the dawn it brings 
Another day to sing about the magic that was 
you and me 
Cause you and I both loved 
What you and I spoke of 
And others could only dream of


And if more you follow through 
Others are always more left over, not too much explaining to do 
And if I ever ever ever have you found your love 
I will be your life line, I will never miss a phone call 
But if I never ever ever ever ever hear them ring?


Have finally found you someone else and that's okay 
Cause I'll remember everything you sang...

Cause you and I both loved


A Beautiful Mess


You've got the best of both worlds 
You're the kinda girl who can take down a man 
and lift him back again

Base on your body language and shorty cursive I've been reading 
Your style is quite selective but your mind is rather reckless 
Well I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is

這段描述他愛人矛盾的個性,Everybody is like this,優點亦是缺點,一樣美麗。

And through timeless words and priceless pcitures 
We'll fly like bids not of this earth 
And tides they turn and hearts disfigure 
But that's no concern when we're wounded together 
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts 
But it's nice today, oh, the wait was so worth it.


Jason Mraz用一首歌寫完了。

'Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear. 

I Won't give up

這是新碟《Love is four letter word》的最熱。又是一首很美麗正面的歌曲,帶出非常正確的人生觀。

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use 
the tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake

And in the end you're still my friend at least we did intend for us to work 
We didn't break we didn't burn We had to learn how to bend 
without the world caving in, I had to learn what i've got, 
and what I'm not , and who I am

我覺得這就是生活中最重要的事情:弄清楚自己是誰,可以做到什麼,為身邊的人和這個世界貢獻到什麼?我有什麼'Tools and gifts'?人生的意義是什麼?在這個混亂,資訊氾濫,人心脆弱的世界裡,我們更加要從混沌中保持清醒,努力去了解自己,做自己,愛自己,才有能力去愛其他人。他這個不放棄的意思,不是什麼也不放棄,什麼也死拚一頓的勁力,而是後退一步靜下來,學會愛自己愛別人這股,更偉大的堅持,也就是:Be the change you want to see in the world。看,這又是成熟大叔的美麗(心)。


I won't give up on us 
God Knows I'm tough enough 
We've got a lot to learn 
God knows we're worth it

《We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. 》
Love for a child
I'm Yours
Details in the Fabric (親愛的,不要再雞蛋裡挑骨頭了。)
If it Kills Me

《Mr. A-Z》
Geek In the Pink
Shy That Way

他現在有多紅,how 'I don't give up'我不用多說啦。不過他以前的歌真的很好聽,比起現在的更溫暖一點,真的值得去探索一下。(我覺得現在的他有點太Bossa Nova,沒有以前的那麼細膩風趣。)如果一個人所做的任何事,對其他人起到任何正面影響,我覺得已經是世界上的一個奇蹟,已經是一個人最大的貢獻了。Jason Mraz用他的音樂把正能量傳達至世界各地,無論如何已經改變了這個世界。Be The change you want to see in the world!

總括而言,Jason Mraz其實真的很好啦,是我人生打後50年也會聽的歌手。他也真是在我成長的過程中,建立了我大部分的價值觀。他的歌就像是清風一樣,讓人舒服,覺得世界美好。因為,世界真的很美好!謝謝你!(雖然你現在的浪子長髮有點油膩,但我還是一樣愛你的!)

PS 我發現他唱歌的時候呢,他的嘴呢很喜歡歪向他的右邊。

4 則留言:

  1. 一個男生選了這首歌給女生
    Mr. Curiosity

  2. He love the girl...
    But he don't think there will be a happy ending

    1. THANK YOU
      But, so sad...

      I need to listen Try Try Try.........to make me happy

  3. It must be hard on both of you
    It does remind me a story of my friend
    I wish you do feel better now :)
