
Damien Rice Festival Days Off 巴黎表演

Damien Rice Festival Day off 演唱會@ La Salle Pleyel, Paris

三月中,Damien Rice在facebook宣布他會在七月頭在Paris唱歌。這麼巧我當時會在歐洲旅行,唔駛講我當然立即買飛,但都只可撲到二樓Balcony的衰位。三十五歐羅,€35可以一睹他真人,聽他現場唱歌彈結他- 我只可以說,看過他的演出後,我更肯定,這是我人生用得最值回票價的三百五十蚊港紙。(係有點誇張啦^_^)

其實我當晚乃是超rush地買了先算,因為認真一生人未必湊巧有機會看外國比較indie的歌手的演出,加上他還要是我終極喜愛崇拜的結他歌手,為了可以欣賞貴大叔演出之期,我為期一個月的歐洲之旅的行程,可以說是base on這個演唱會而安排的。所以,是計劃得一、團、糟。Anyway...
我之前已經寫過我為甚麼那麼喜歡他的音樂。我最近發現,他的音樂尤其特別在,很坦誠。旋律編曲很簡單,歌詞帶有很根本對人性、對世界的好奇、質疑和詢問、對自己的反省、對愛情的描寫、感歎、悲憤、歌頌simplicity... 在裡面你聽得出來他的成熟,他的複雜情緒,但同時他又像個小孩子般、永遠不妥協、很執著、很簡單直接,很敏感銳利。聽他唱歌al,就如到了世外一樣,眼前的一切都突然變得不真實,因為你會全神投入其世界... 這個我並沒有誇大啊,有興趣的話,讀讀下而我quote的歌詞,你就會明白了...



Tomorrow's World 的電子音樂後,Damien Rice 9點入場,全場拍爛了手賞,我嗌破了喉嚨。
以下是song list:
'Too many options can kill a man.'
'I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, no I don't know you and me, anymore'

'Why do you sing Hallelujah if it means nothing to you"

Accidental Babies
'Is he dark enough to see your light'

Wild and Free
'Your reasons for why you stay, your reasons for why you change, my reasons for everything I've done to you'

Volcano 請了樓下的觀眾上台合唱!!!
'What am I to you, is not what you mean to me'

Older Chest 有些事,如古蹟、歷史等是永恆不變的。
'She broke down the other day you know, something in life may change, and something they stay the same, like time. Time, always time, on my mind, pass me by, I'll be fine, just give me time...'
Women Like A Man
'You wanna get burned, you wanna get burned, you wanna be fucked inside out'
Coconut Skins
'Time is contagious. Everybody's getting old'

9 Crimes
'If you don't shoot it how I'm supposed to hold it'


話說Damien Rice年輕時間爛屋無燈,他懶浪漫點了成房燈,然後燒掉了整間屋。他的女性朋友借他房間一宵,叫他望住天窗外的星星,'spend sometime by himself'而inspire的歌,超級好笑。

'Tell it like you still believe, that at the end of the century, there's a change, for you and me'


'But you can't paint an elephant, quite as good as she'
I Remember
'I want you here tonight, want you here, cause I can't believe what I've found'
'Stones taught me to fly, Love taught me to lie, Life taught me to die'

Rootless Tree
'Hate me, then hate me so good then you can let me out, hell when you're around'
Cold Water
全場潻黑一片,他唱: 'Lord, can you hear me now?'
Hallelujah 經典名曲。

The Blower's Daughter 成名大作,不用多說。
'I can't take my mind... My mind... My mind...till I find somebody new'
Cheers' Darlin random地請了女觀眾上台喝酒,把這首歌的故事重演一次,

除了Eskimo and Grey Room外,該唱的都唱了。整個show一個人包辦,沒Lisa,沒其他伴奏,只有他的聲音、結他和琴,但這是我看過最滿足、最rich、最raw的演唱會。其實演唱會真的不需要每一個也華麗舞台大紫大紅是吊威Ya勁歌熱舞的...
最高興的是,他有講某些歌曲的背景、他的故事、靈感來源等,對樂迷來說,這些是無價的。原來他是個很幽默的人,也沒我想像中'悲頹',是個滄桑的Ethan Hawke Jesse,總而言之,你很難不喜歡這位可愛的鬼才大叔。幸好你來了巴黎,謝謝你。接下來這兩日我都有點心緒不靈,一定是post- Damien Rice Syndrome。一生也不會忘記,這個Artist的美麗演出。在他身上我知道,靈魂是任何Artist做任何藝術的最重要元素。

