
世界上最好的海岸沙灘 - Best Coast


請想像有微微海風拂臉吹來,你睡在樹蔭下的麻布吊床上,雙腿交叉伸向上空,雙手交叉墊在頭下。你身上的每一寸皮膚都在呼吸着充滿負離子,帶點海水鹹腥味的空氣;每一寸肌肉(和脂肪)都非常異常安靜不動;身體內的每一粒細胞都懶得動。你就像這般躺在太陽與萬物之間感受着那股濃烈的炎熱。漫無目的地注視著面前的大海,閃閃生輝的細沙,還有身邊活力充沛的年青人與一家大細在歡樂嬉戲-頓時你覺得這就是生活,不用加速減速,不用去這去那,一切就在這遍熱鬧的寧靜中發生。就在此時,耳朵旁的收音機開始播放Best Coast的音樂。就在此刻,你領悟到了人生活著的簡單快樂。

Best Coast的海岸應該真的會是the best。通常沙灘音樂都是我最討厭的Bosa Nova,但他們的音樂是reverb開得很大的電子沙灘搖滾(這是我自己作出來的一個新genre。)如果要我形容Best Coast的音樂,就是:歌曲都很短,只有兩分鐘再多一點,一個「噢」來「耶」去,一個很激動又同時很懶洋洋的沙灘主義。放輕鬆的,瘋狂的,單純的,直接的,無賴的,大無畏的,Peiable的,開心的,白癡的,花癡的,很適合邊唱邊搖頭搖身搖屁股跳舞的音樂!聽起來,Best Coast每一首歌曲都差不多。但其實每一首也有獨立的味道。就好像同一個太陽,在日出時分,正午時分和日落時分也帶給人完全不同的感覺。Best Coast的歌曲就是這樣。套一句柬埔寨人好喜歡說的(我現正身處柬埔寨)-Same same but different!

首先來的是我最喜歡的一首:When You Wake Up

I want to talk
But you`re asleep
I know you hate it
When I do this

But I need you to tell me
That it`s alright
You know I hate it
When we fight

Tell me you love me
Even if you don`t
I need to hear it
I love to hear it

Well come back and kiss me
It`s been a while
I need to hold you
And see you smile

It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
When you wake up

It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
When you wake up
When you wake up

I promise you
I promise you
Promise you
That I won`t act like a fool

It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
When you wake up

It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
It`s always 11:30
When you wake up
When you wake up
When you wake up
When you wake up

((因為這首歌根本就是真愛的表現。對我來說,某程度上愛上一個人就是你們大家可以annoy each other with basically every little silly things on earth till eternity。)

I want to


I want you so much

And I want you so much
And I want you so much
And I want you so much

I miss you so much
And I miss you so much
And I miss you so much
And I miss you so much

I want to go back to
The first time, the first place
I want to go back to
The first time, the first place

I want to go back to
The first time, the first place
I want to go back to
The first time, the first place

聽完後我會覺得,對愛情我不是想說 'why so serious',而是 'why so complicated'。

Up All Night
You and me 
Too good to be
Too true to be
Too dumb to see

Where I live 
And where you live
Are not the same
We're not to blame
It's too crazy
And far to hard
And way to lazy to make it work
So here I am
I'm still alone
I'm still awake
I'm still afraid

I don't know what day it is 
Because I've been up all night
I don't know what week it is
Because I've been up all night
I want to see you
I want to see you
I want to see you
I want to see you
Forever and ever 
Forever and ever 
Forever and ever 

You and me 
Too good to be
Too true to be
Too dumb to see

Where I live 
And where you live
Are not the same
We're not to blame

Now you're of in another town
With another girl
Just sittin' around
I'm still here
I'm still alone
I'm still awake
I'm still afraid

You left me here alone. 
You left me here in the cold.
You left me here by the sea
Oh well now all I wish I could see
Is you and me.


Crazy for you

I can't do anything without you
Can't do anything with you
You drive me crazy but I love you
You make me lazy but I love you
Want to hate you but then I kiss you
Want to kill you but then I'd miss you
You drive me crazy but I love you
You make me lazy but I love you


I'm always waiting by the phone
I can't wait for you to get home
I'm always crazy when I miss you
I'm always lazy when I miss you
And even though you are my guy
I always freak when I get high
I'm always crazy when I miss you
I'm always lazy when I miss you

Maybe I'm just crazy
Maybe I'm just crazy
Maybe I'm just crazy
Crazy for you baby
Maybe I'm just crazy
Maybe I'm just crazy
Maybe I'm just crazy
Crazy for you baby


The Sun was High (So Was I)


I went for a walk
watched the cars go by
the sun was high
I thought of you

I went for a walk
the wind was blowin'
it sure was hot
I thought of you

I went for a walk
watched the cars go by
the sun was high
and so was I
I thought of you

以下是兩首愛人離開了的歌。理應很sad,但她唱的很hea很hea,一邊說故事,一邊懶散地 ’ooooooooh‘,讓我覺得很過癮。用這樣hea的態度來面對失戀其實也不錯。

Our deal

When you leave me
The bed is empty
And I feel crazy
Cause I didn't say anything

I wish you would tell me
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me
Cause that's not our deal

When you leave me
You take away everything
You take all my money
You take all my weed

I wish you would tell me 
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me
Cause that's not our deal

I wish you would tell me 
How you really feel
But you'll never tell me 
Cause that's not our deal

That's your deal
That's not my deal
That's your my deal
That's not my deal
That's your my deal
That's not my deal
That's your my deal
That's not my deal

So Gone

You say that you never want me to leave
So I stick around
But now you're gone
So gone
So gone

You say that you never want it to end
So I stick around
But now you're gone
So gone
So gone

You say that you want to be more than friends
So I stick around
But now you're gone
So gone
So gone

You say that you don't have time for me
So I move along
And now I'm gone
So gone
Now I'm gone
So gone

毫不做作,毫不文藝,毫不憂鬱。白白癡癡、不斷重複的歌詞,卻最能直接地表達到人類很多時候最想表達的情感,最想要的東西。‘I wanna see you forever!" 就像The Beatles的' I wanna hold your hand',其實我們最想要什麼?我覺得到最後,我們沒有人會討厭被愛。我們全部人最基本想要的其實都是擁有很多的愛。不只是接受,反而更是有能力去愛身邊的人。我們其實很簡單的只想要hold his/her hand,但很多時候我們的思想、別人的閒言閒語,或是指指點點、社會規範、文化、命運,還有很多一切都在阻擋我們達成這樣基本的要求-只是握住喜歡的人的手這樣簡單的事,我們都不敢說出來,不敢做,不敢表達,諸多扭擰。Best Coast呢,就完全不害臊。They just say it out,豁達非常。我好喜歡這樣的精神,這樣的歌曲。

如果你沒有勇氣跟你喜歡的人告白,或是你剛剛跟你的男朋友/女朋友吵架冷戰,你想和好但有心有不甘的話,去聽聽Best Coast。他們的歌曲大概全部都會告訴你你有多喜歡你的愛人,你有多掛念他們,你有多愛他們。聽完你應該會頓時充滿勇氣和超正能量。我很喜歡他們這個態度:這個世界is full of bullshit。你有時候是shit中之shit,我也一樣。但我他媽的其他一切都不再管-我只想告訴你:我真是好愛好愛你。你是這世界上我最喜歡的大賤人,大壞蛋。

Best coast的任何東西,我聽完之後心情都會愉快輕鬆起來,一切都好像可以放開似的。這就是為甚麼音樂對我來講非常重要,就像毒癮那樣自拔不了。但這樣的毒癮很有益身心。


1 則留言:

  1. 我真是好愛好愛你。你是這世界上我最喜歡的大賤人,大壞蛋。

    LOVE THIS. hahahaha

